Hey Alex and Hopper Team,

I'm Dave - a passionate digital media strategist, and an aspiring world traveler who grew up in Massachusetts.

I’ve spent 5 weeks traveling through Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Purchasing the ticket required more planning than I had anticipated. Had I known about Hopper, I could have avoided overspending on my plane ticket and used that money towards other experiences.

Currently I'm working as the Social Media Specialist at Lightspeed POS, a point of sale company based in Montreal, Canada. I manage all our social media accounts (3 Twitter, 2 Facebook, 1 LinkedIn, 1 Google+, and 1 Vimeo) as well as devise and implement the company's social media strategy. 

When I started we had fewer than 7,000 followers on Twitter and approximately 4000 likes on Facebook. Social media generated less than 35 leads per month for our business with little customer interaction.

Eight months later our primary Twitter and Facebook accounts have grown to audiences of over 14,000 and 12,000, respectively. Social media brings in over 700 leads per month. Compared to similar investment in SEM and events, social media’s cost per lead is 50% less. On top of this customer engagement is at an all time high.

I’ve been able to accomplish this by designing creative campaigns that encourage our audience to take action. I’m able to quickly identify which campaigns are effective and scale them by analyzing data from Google Analytics, Facebook, and Twitter.

Hopper – the product and the company – resonate closely with me. I love to travel and data excites me. I value and aspire to work at a place that is the nexus of the two, while improving my craft, and positively impacting the organization.

Here are some of my ideas:

It would be a pleasure to learn more about Hopper’s goals and strategy.

